
Emulation leads to innovation, this applies to the workplace as well

All of us are a product of emulation. We learn to perform almost every function by copying someone.  We’ve been doing this since we were infants.  By the same token everyone of us are in fact capable of training other people to perform functions that we are competent in.  Training each other is one thing, improving on what we have learned from each other is how we excel.   

Studies have shown that 82% of employees to be the most effective training methods.  This is because there is already a trust relationship between those doing the training and those receiving the training.    There is little doubt that those people who do the work are best equipped to teach people how to perform their functions.  But that does not mean that the trainer is receptive to learning from their peers how to do their functions more effectively.

The key lies here in encouraging a free flow of skills transfer and then rewarding and recognising those who have gone through the process.  This is done by way of Intraternships ™.  Intraternships are a system of internal internships that teaches the trainer to invite innovations from those who are being trained, capturing those innovations and then changing workforce behaviour by adopting those innovations. 

An Intraternship does not replace formal training it merely reinforces practices within an organisation that could be bolstered by further training. 

Each person that undergoes this training is then recognised with an Intraternship certificate at the end of the 6-12 month period of learning. The certificate tells the world that not only is the employee skilled in their job but has demonstrated the necessary capability to adapt to the evolving workplace.  This is all done at a fraction of the cost of conventional training.

Join us for a free one hour seminar where we go through the Intraternship concept and how it can benefit your organisation. 

Rudolf Rautenbach
Rudolf Rautenbach
Articles: 9
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